Friday, July 6, 2012

Adventures and Awards

I hope everyone had a wonderful 4th on Wednesday. We didn't do much to celebrate. The boyfriend and I stayed around the house and just hung out with one another. Due to the excessive heat here in TN (temps have been 100+ for the past week), and the fact that our bedroom is currently housed in my mom's garage with no insulation, we finally broke down and went to Lowes and got a window AC. Although we still haven't installed it. *insert sad face* While I was there I looked at the the "teacher toolboxes." I have to admit that they are MUCH smaller than I expected.... but I still can't wait to get mine! We did go to Dollar General and I found a bunch of awesome stuff that I can't wait to use! It all matches my new theme so well! (I'll be back tomorrow with pictures of my purchases!)

Then we went on a "date" and saw Ted. Hilariously-awesome movie!! My advice, if you have kids DO NOT take them to see this movie! It is not kid-appropriate in my opinion. Let's just say Ted is not a teddy bear you would want your kids to have.

I have to say a big THANK YOU! to a few bloggers for awarding me with The "One Lovely Blog" award and the "Versatile Award"

Thanks Ladies!

Teaching, Learning, & Loving

So since I am a "go with the flow" type of girl... I am going to be following the rules.
Here are the rules for this award are: 
1. Thank the blogger who nominated you. (check!)
2. Include a link to their site. (check! -click their buttons!)
3. Include the award image in your post. (check!)
4. Give 7 random facts about yourself.  (Keep on reading!)
5. Nominate 15 other bloggers for the award. (Down below!)
6. When nominating, include a link to their site. (check!)
7. Let other bloggers know they’ve been nominated.(check!)

Seven Random Facts:
1) Usher reminds me of my youth. (One of my favorite songs from when I was like 13 just played on this movie I'm watching.)
2) I have two dogs that I call my children. Molly-girl; German Shepard/Lab and Bagel-boy; Beagle/Terrier  
3) The boyfriend and I have been dating 4 years this September 17th. (I'm expecting a ring soon!)
4) My favorite candy bar is a kitkat (this is newly discovered!)
5) I am ADDICTED to sweet tea!!
6) I want to be a published author "when I grow up." 
7) My favorite movies of all time is Grease and Pretty Woman

Okay and now 15 other WONDERFUL bloggers that deserve this award!

On a side note, Erin over at Eberhart's Explorers is having a giveaway worth $500! Go check it out! 


  1. Hello! I am your newest follower. I found your blog on a list on facebook. I am also a Tennessee Kindergarten teacher and would love for you to follow my blog too. I would love to share ideas with you.
    Mrs. Janelle

  2. Congrats on your blog awards! I hope you are finally finding relief from the heat! The temps here in Missouri have finally dropped some and we were blessed with rain today! :)

    ~ Lisa
    Teaching Kindergarten Kiddos

  3. Congratulations on your award and thank you so much for my award! I am honored...It was a nice surprise to find when I came home from vacation today. =)

    Heather's Heart


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