I hope everyone is having a fabulous Sunday afternoon! I'm enjoying lounging around the house. Last night the boyfriend and I went out on a full-fledged date (by this I mean we actually went to dinner and a movie)! We have not done this in quite a while because of money but we decided to treat ourselves!
We went to Uncle Buds Catfish House for dinner because the boyfriend has been wanting catfish for some time now. This is a resturaunt I grew up loving to eat at! I loved the decor of the place and the food... but last night told me that either 1) I've changed my taste in fine dining or 2) the food was never that good to begin with. I'm gonna go with #1... now granted this is not the same Uncle Buds that I grew up going to... so maybe this one is ran differently... who knows?!
Afterwards we went and saw The Dark Night! What a great movie!! The movie "started" at 10:15 and we didn't get out of the theater until 1:15. It was a great movie! I definitely recommend going to see it!
Okay now for the linky! This one is from one of my favorite 2nd grade bloggers, Amy Lemons from
Step into 2nd Grade with Mrs. Lemons.

Tell Me More, Tell Me More! Thank you Mrs. Lemons for inviting us to share a few random things about me! The boyfriend will tell you that I am very personable.... with anyone!
1) I had to join this linky because it reminded me of one of my favorite movies!
2) My favorite color has always been blue. But when I was younger I associated blue with "boys" and thought that I should have a "girl favorite color" so I told everyone it was pink. Now, I do love pink, but my favorite color has and always will be blue.
3) I love me some scarves!!! Everytime I go to any store that has scarves I end up spending several minutes looking at them before telling myself that I don't really need to spend money on them! One day though, when I can financially can afford it, I will have a closet full of scarves!
4) I started my college career as a theater major. I was going to be a drama teacher! While I was out shopping one day I found the manuscript and soundtrack to the movie Grease. It was going to be the very first theater production that my class did! I was certain of it! A semester into college though, I realized that I loved working with younger kids and decided to pursue a bachelors in K-6 education instead.
5) I went to college at Austin Peay State University!
6) While in college I made one of the best decisions I have ever made and joined the best sorority in the word! Alpha Sigma Alpha! Although I am not a very active alum, it created an experience in college that I never will forget!
Oh and did I mention that I was a Pike (Pi Kappa Alpha) Girl?! I loved the Pikes just as much as I loved my sisters!
7) T G I was a Pike Girl! Because otherwise I would have never met the boyfriend. No, he wasn't a Pike. But his cousins were! So had I not been a Pike Girl I would have never been on the porch that October morning to RE-MEET him! What do I mean RE-MEET? Well 5 years before when I was a freshman in HIGH SCHOOL he was the quiet, mysterious boy behind me in Spanish class... that one day
vanished moved away without even saying "goodbye".
8) The boyfriend and I have been dating for 4 years on September 17th! I'm
expecting to hoping I see some bling in the near future (there has been lots of talk of this)! We (and I do mean WE) have settled and started gathering ideas for a fall wedding. But there has to be an engagement before we will actually start putting money into the wedding.
9) My FAVORITE place to shop for clothes is Ross and Kohls! I love their clothes! While I'm at Kohls, however, I ALWAYS end up buying at least one of the Kohls Cares for Kids books that they have! Its too good of a deal to forgo!
and to make it an even ten....
10) (Jennifer this one should make you and your momma happy!) I will be moving back to Clarksville and teaching a 3rd year at my current school! I'm excited about this... but not looking forward to driving 3 hours a day for the first month of teaching! I'm gonna be EXHAUSTED and broke!
Well there you have it! 10 Random Facts about me! I hope you enjoyed getting to know me a little bit better! I will be back tomorrow with some school stuff! I promise!
Now go on over and link up so that I can find out some interesting facts about you!