I truly feel like dad's are a blessing in our lives. I know my dad was. I miss him each and every day. It kills me knowing that I will never be able to hug him again or give him a kiss on the cheek, or even hold his hands. I think his hands are one of the things I miss the most. I loved holding my daddy's hand. They were so big, and usually cold. They were rough from all the work he had always done. They were strong. If you have never heard the song "Daddy's Hands" press play below, it is a great song and always reminds me of my daddy.
My daddy always supported me in anything I chose to do and always let me and everyone else know how proud he was of me. Here is a picture that I created to commemorate some of the precious moments in our family.
I also wanted to let all my wonderful followers know that I am blogging today over at Wild About Teaching today! There is a great freebie over there for you too! I hope you will stop by and leave me some love!

Oh Tangelia, I thought about you on Sunday. I know it was a hard day to get through. I am so proud that you are guest blogging-gonna check it out now.
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