Monday, June 25, 2012

Monday Made It

Hey ya'll! So I'm so sorry I haven't blogged since Thursday! Its been a super crazy busy weekend here on my side of things! The boyfriend decided that we should go fishing on Friday, so we got up at the crack of dawn and headed to WalMart where we spent a bucket load of money on food, folding chairs, and a brand new cooler... then we headed to the lake. Super fun... but WAY too hot to fish for too long. We did find a marina that rents out boats, so we are looking into doing that sometimes soon! We left the lake around noon and had an adventure around town looking for places and then ended up visiting with his Nan for the rest of the day.

Saturday was interesting too. The boyfriend and I have been dating for almost 4 years now, yet I had never met his dad. In fact he hadn't seen his dad in almost 10 years. I honestly did not think I would ever meet him or that he would ever reach out to him. But Friday while we were at Nans his dad called. I half-expected him to not even talk to him on the phone, but the boyfriend was pleasant and talked to his dad and set up Saturday's meeting.

I have to say his dad seems fairly nice... so maybe that means he has changed. He definitely wasn't the monster I had expected! I was super excited about that. I am hoping that the boyfriend stays in touch with him. The next few weeks/months are going to be really hard on his dad. He was recently diagnosed with colon cancer. Although he had the surgery and they removed all 33 pollups he will have to go through chemo for the next few months. I know how bad it is to go through chemo, I still remember what my mom was like when she had chemo 12 years ago. But I am hoping that like her, the boyfriend's dad pulls through!

Sunday (yesterday) was another fun and interesting day. We decided to go fishing again and headed out around 4. The boyfriend wanted to find this particular fishing spot that his dad had took him to a LONG LONG time ago! We looked and looked and went through 5 different towns, found a state park that we had never been to before, ate dinner at Subway in a town I've never heard of, and stopped at the Dollar General in that town in which I got some very cute flyswatters in my color scheme!

Speaking of my new color scheme... ya'll I am SOOOO excited about it! I'm calling it "Brights!" I am absolutely in love! I worked on a project today for my classroom and I'm loving it. It will be where I write my standards everyday! You can find my inspiration picture below.

These were super easy to create! I started off with some materials. Cheap picture frames from Dollar Tree, scrapbook paper from Hobby Lobby, and paint from my paint collection!

 After painting the gold trim of each frame (which you can avoid if you just get a plain black frame) I inserted the scrapbook paper into the frame and VIOLA I was finsihed and I had these CUTE frames! I am super excited about this and I am LOVING my new color theme!!!
I have 4 more to do, but I'll do those tomorrow because I am tired and my computer is about to DIE. So goodnight! 

P.S. I am linking this project to Tara's Monday Made It!


  1. Love your standards boards! I love bright colors!!! Thanks for linking up:))

    4th Grade Frolics

  2. This very cute! It will be so easy to write your standards or whatever on these and erase. What happened to Ladybugs? Have you made any decisions about next year? Miss you!

  3. Thanks ya'll! I'm totally in love with them too. Jennifer, I'm still looking for work here in the Wilson Co and Rutherford Co areas, but if I don't get anything I will be back at Rossview next year with a brand new classroom theme. I am abandoning my ladybugs for something a bit more cheery. :) I'm absolutely loving it.

  4. Great job on the standards boards!! I love how bright they are.


  5. I love them! I like the colors you used.

    Little Treasures

  6. I want to make those for my classroom!!!



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