or I could tell you about all the crafts we made for Arts in the School Night.... which I really do wish I had taken more pictures of! (I just took a few from our PTO website. If you'd like to check it out more you can find more pictures here)
We learned about Australia and made both land and ocean animals. We also made boomerangs, aboriginal artwork, and flags. Here are a few pictures of what we did. (If you look above you can see one of our whales sitting behind my food.)
Or I could tell you all about Saturday and all 3 major events that I had going on...
Let's see.... I woke up at 6 on a Saturday morning to make it to a Rutherford County Job Fair. I passed out 20+ resumes and talked to lots of principals... including Becky's, from Teaching, Learning, and Loving, principal. Also ran into my middle school band director who is now a principal at a middle school... he remembered me and gave me a hug. I was told I was smart from one principal because I graduated from Austin Peay here in Clarksville... and then we got started talking about names. I was questioned by one principal who thought that I had been non-renewed, so I had to make sure she realized that I was moving because I need to be closer to family... although another principal thought I was "one of those people who follow the husband."

Then there was my childhood best friend's wedding. She made a beautiful bride and I am super happy for her. I just wish that we had stayed close when I moved away for college... growing up we used to talk about being in each others wedding... so it was sad that I was not in the wedding party. But I'm glad that I did get to share in their day by being there..... And the band that she had was A-MAZING! Rubiks Groove.... check them out!
I learned something about myself during her wedding though.... I can't watch father-daughter dances anymore. They break my heart. One of the last things I said to my dad before he passed was that I'm glad we got to have ours at my prom. (Yes.... I know.... prom?? My parents were there to watch the seniors walk the stage... as a lot of other parents were. And knowing then that I may never get to have my father-daughter dance at my wedding, no matter where I was.... if my daddy was there, I made sure to get a dance with him.) I also have realized that my own personal wedding day is going to be bitter-sweet. I'll be excited to marry my best friend... but super sad because my daddy won't be there to give me away. (Okay.... enough on this topic. His birthday is coming up on Friday and I'm doing my absolute best to hold myself together. So moving on....
Lastly my best friend turned 25 that day. Unfortunately I did not really get to celebrate this. By the time I got home from the wedding it was too late and he had a headache. But he did enjoy his present.... and because he knew EXACTLY what he was getting he got it in a "gag-gift" way. He is a gamer, and asked for a 17 button mouse. He's been talking about this mouse for months.... and because I wanted to make sure I was ordering the right mouse, I even asked him about it before I ordered it from amazon. However, he was never sure if I ordered it or not because I kept telling him it was way too expensive. But... I guess you only turn 25 once... right?? Anyways when it got delivered to my school, I borrowed a toy mouse from the Pre-K room, took out the mouse (controller) and put it in my school bag. I then wrapped the toy mouse in the box. When he opened his present later he couldn't help but laugh... and look at me like I was crazy!!
But instead of telling you all of that :) I will simply tell you that I am sorry.... and I will be back tomorrow with something school related for you.
Happy Wednesday Evening!!!
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