So I stayed late to work on my sub folder that is due on Friday. It's 6. Which is really late for me this year. I call my boyfriend and tell him that I was on my way home... you know that way he could finish dinner up or finish cleaning or something. He laughs! LAUGHS! I am now confused. Why would he laugh. Then he asks me if I plan on walking home. Still confused, I say no. And then it clicks.... he has the car today! So I'm stuck at school for just a little bit longer while he comes and picks me up. I guess thats the joy of having only owning one vehicle. :(
(I hope that made you laugh, because in retrospect, it's KINDA funny.)
But on the BRIGHT side of things, I have picked a winner! I know, the giveaway was over at 11 last night... but let's all admit it... its the beginning of the school year, we are EVEN more exhausted then usual... therefore, I was PASSED OUT!
So now... without further ado, the winner is......
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Congratulations Ina! I hope you love the packet! P.S. I love your name!!!
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Now I Know My ABC's Giveaway Reminder!
Is it really just the second week that I have had these kiddos full time? It feels like I've had them forever. With 24 kiddos in my classroom it is super important to keep them working, keep them engaged. Otherwise my classroom is going to be the namesake of one of my favorite rollercoasters from when I was a kid myself, Chaos. (Opryland Theme Park) I have to admit though I have felt like I was on a roller coaster. To my TN friends who have 15, 18, even just 20 kids.... I am SUPER jealous! I'm hoping SOMEDAY soon, I can say that I only have 18... or even just 20 kids. I want to give these kids my all, and with so many its hard to do that. I will say I have survived. I am keeping my head above water... and I am making sure I am leaving early.
Speaking of leaving early, I need to get going now so I can make it on home. I just wanted to stop by and remind you that you have 6 hours left to enter to win my Now I Know My ABC's Phonics Packet! You won't want to miss this giveaway, because everyone is a winner this time!
Go ahead. Click here to go enter!
Speaking of leaving early, I need to get going now so I can make it on home. I just wanted to stop by and remind you that you have 6 hours left to enter to win my Now I Know My ABC's Phonics Packet! You won't want to miss this giveaway, because everyone is a winner this time!
Go ahead. Click here to go enter!
Sunday, August 26, 2012
Now I Know My ABCs Giveaway
I FINALLY got it finished and uploaded! I have been working on off and on since this summer and now it is here for you! What is it you ask? It is.... my Now I Know My ABC's Phonics Packet! And it can be yours too.... keep reading to find out how!

a Rafflecopter giveaway
And because I appreciate the fact that you are still here even though I have been so absent lately, EVERYONE is a winner when they download the Now I Know My ABC's PowerPoint!

a Rafflecopter giveaway
And because I appreciate the fact that you are still here even though I have been so absent lately, EVERYONE is a winner when they download the Now I Know My ABC's PowerPoint!
Monday, August 20, 2012
My Pinterest Inspired Classroom
Wow. Can I say neglect? I mean, this post was supposed to go up LAST week on Thursday when I got internet at my NEW house! Woohoo! I guess... I hope you will forgive me! I have been super busy with working in my classroom, unpacking, and setting up my new home.
Ya'll I absolutely love it here. It is so much better than the apartment. I honestly think the best thing about it is the backyard! I mean... you have no idea how important it was for me to get a home with a fenced in backyard so that my dogs can run around in.
Okay... I'll get on with the show. I am now HAPPY to present Miss Cannon's Kindergarten Classroom 2012-2013!
Ya'll I absolutely love it here. It is so much better than the apartment. I honestly think the best thing about it is the backyard! I mean... you have no idea how important it was for me to get a home with a fenced in backyard so that my dogs can run around in.
Okay... I'll get on with the show. I am now HAPPY to present Miss Cannon's Kindergarten Classroom 2012-2013!
This is the view from my classroom door. You can see the student work area here, as well as student computers and those red things in the backgrounds are their cubbies.
This is MY area! You can see my teacher toolbox, my standards, and filing cabinets. I would eventually like to modpodge my filing cabinets, but I just didn't have the time at the time.
View #1 of our carpet area.
View #2 of our carpet area. I absolutely love how bright and fun this area looks!
Our class Word Wall!
Teacher Center. Yes... it is the same area I showed as Teacher Work Area. Just now you can see where students will work with me! You can also see my clipchart, rules,
and crate seats in this picture!
Our class library! It is tiny! But it is all the room I have! One of these days I would love to have a room that is bigger so I can make my library much more organized and comfy!
And last its our writing center! There is space up on the board to display a few students writing! The orange crate is where I keep their portfolio pieces. I have just added a three-drawer sterlite organizer to this center to organize their differentiated materials.
So there you have it! My not-so-buggy, yet VERY colorful classroom! If you ask me what my "theme" is... I'll have to tell you "pinterest." Because honestly, the things that make it what it is were ideas found from pinterest!
I hope you will let me know what you think!!!
Monday, August 13, 2012
Keep Calm and Sing Soft Kitty
Hey ya'll! I'm still alive (yippee!) but I barely have time to breathe! These past few weeks have been ridiculously busy! So I have not been able to be on blogger at like all. This breaks my heart because I just know that so many of you are posting so many wonderful things and I haven't been around to read them! Ah!
So I have tons of pictures of my room to show you... but sadly the only way I know to upload them from my phone is to send them to facebook. And well facebook is BANNED from our school server.... and well I have NO internet at home! *GASP* What am I going to do???
Oh that's right! I just moved! Yesterday! Finished unloading all of my boxes around 4:30ish and then got back from Wally World around 10ish. So I still have boxes EVERYWHERE!!! I'm going to be dreaming about boxes for months! But it will get done and we will enjoy our lives in our new (rented) house! The dogs have plenty of room to run around and we have plenty of room to expand our family... if we so choose. (Which we probably won't!)
I am super happy to have my own place again. Even if that means being broke... having a yard to take care of for the first time...and... having TONS of things to buy that you would never need in an apartment! I love it! It is nice and quiet!
So that right now is my life. Teaching and testing during the day, unpacking boxes at night! Good thing thought that the boyfriend is a techie and figured out how to hook up our desktop to our tv so that we could watch some The Big Bang Theory!
I think I just found my mantra for the week! Love it!
So that is what is happening in my neck of the woods! I promise I will have pictures up by Friday night at the latest! We get cable/internet/phone installed on Thursday! Yippee!
Hope you are having a great week at work or at play if you are still in summer mode!
So I have tons of pictures of my room to show you... but sadly the only way I know to upload them from my phone is to send them to facebook. And well facebook is BANNED from our school server.... and well I have NO internet at home! *GASP* What am I going to do???
Oh that's right! I just moved! Yesterday! Finished unloading all of my boxes around 4:30ish and then got back from Wally World around 10ish. So I still have boxes EVERYWHERE!!! I'm going to be dreaming about boxes for months! But it will get done and we will enjoy our lives in our new (rented) house! The dogs have plenty of room to run around and we have plenty of room to expand our family... if we so choose. (Which we probably won't!)
I am super happy to have my own place again. Even if that means being broke... having a yard to take care of for the first time...and... having TONS of things to buy that you would never need in an apartment! I love it! It is nice and quiet!
So that right now is my life. Teaching and testing during the day, unpacking boxes at night! Good thing thought that the boyfriend is a techie and figured out how to hook up our desktop to our tv so that we could watch some The Big Bang Theory!
I think I just found my mantra for the week! Love it!
So that is what is happening in my neck of the woods! I promise I will have pictures up by Friday night at the latest! We get cable/internet/phone installed on Thursday! Yippee!
Hope you are having a great week at work or at play if you are still in summer mode!
Monday, August 6, 2012
Its here: The First Day of School
Okay! So this past week has been EXTREMELY busy! Like to the point that ALL of my meals have been fast food, delivery, or on 2 occasions a quick lunch at a restaurant! If you know me, you KNOW that is not normal! I like home-cooked meals! The boyfriend and I enjoy cooking our own meals and eating at home. I mean, what does a restaurant have that we can not make? Not much! (Yes, I know... that sounds very boastful... but I can not tell a lie!)
School "officially" started tonight. (I say "officially" because it was only Back to School Night!) I am super excited to be done decorating my room. I will hopefully remember to take pictures tomorrow so that I can take you on a tour of my not-so-buggy room! I hope that you will like it as much as me.
Okay, so I am super late to the party... but a follower invited me to join her linky earlier this week... or late last week... or sometime. But like I said, I've been super busy! *sigh* So to my lovely follower who asked me to join your linky, this is for you!
On the first day of school I do a lot of testing! I give each student the brigance and the dibels testing. Now, at this time I only have 5 kids... not the 22 that I have with the whole group... but that is still a lot of testing for 1 person to administer all by their lonesome! But I do get to do some fun activities!
When they come in, I will have some sort of morning work on their table for them to work on. This will allow me some time to get any secretarial thing done that I need to. -It will also allow me to begin teaching them PROCEDURES! Where do I get my morning work each morning? How am I supposed to work while I am doing my morning work?
After I give them some time to finish their morning work, I will call them to the carpet where we will begin our morning calendar. Then we will do a "math" lesson. Where we will sort our school supplies. After we sort them we will count them and talk about which one we have the most of.
We will then go to specials.
When we get back from specials we will do math centers. This will be play-doh, linking cubes, and computers. While the students are working independently on these fun centers, I will be testing Dibels.
After math centers, we will go to lunch.
When we get back we will read The Kissing Hand and talk about emotions that we felt about coming to school. After completing this activity we will have literacy centers: alphabet magnets(ABC center), library, computers, and some other center... probably play-doh again. While the students are working on these centers, I will be giving the Brigance.
We will then do whole group writing. We will refer to "The Kissing Hand." We will discuss how we felt on our first day of school. We will do our first anchor chart. (See the pinterest inspired anchor chart below!)
Using the words from our anchor chart, I will pass out a piece of paper. Students will draw a picture of themselves and then complete the following "I feel ____."
We will have recess.
(USUALLY, Unit would go here, but I am assuming that we will end up not having time for this part of the day because of the rules and procedures that we covered in the beginning of the day.)
And then have snack & pack, rest & test (I'll finish testing what I didn't get finished earlier).
So that is what I will do for the first day of school! What do you plan on doing on your first day of school. Head on over to Teaching With Z to link up!
School "officially" started tonight. (I say "officially" because it was only Back to School Night!) I am super excited to be done decorating my room. I will hopefully remember to take pictures tomorrow so that I can take you on a tour of my not-so-buggy room! I hope that you will like it as much as me.
Okay, so I am super late to the party... but a follower invited me to join her linky earlier this week... or late last week... or sometime. But like I said, I've been super busy! *sigh* So to my lovely follower who asked me to join your linky, this is for you!
On the first day of school I do a lot of testing! I give each student the brigance and the dibels testing. Now, at this time I only have 5 kids... not the 22 that I have with the whole group... but that is still a lot of testing for 1 person to administer all by their lonesome! But I do get to do some fun activities!
When they come in, I will have some sort of morning work on their table for them to work on. This will allow me some time to get any secretarial thing done that I need to. -It will also allow me to begin teaching them PROCEDURES! Where do I get my morning work each morning? How am I supposed to work while I am doing my morning work?
After I give them some time to finish their morning work, I will call them to the carpet where we will begin our morning calendar. Then we will do a "math" lesson. Where we will sort our school supplies. After we sort them we will count them and talk about which one we have the most of.
We will then go to specials.
When we get back from specials we will do math centers. This will be play-doh, linking cubes, and computers. While the students are working independently on these fun centers, I will be testing Dibels.
After math centers, we will go to lunch.
When we get back we will read The Kissing Hand and talk about emotions that we felt about coming to school. After completing this activity we will have literacy centers: alphabet magnets(ABC center), library, computers, and some other center... probably play-doh again. While the students are working on these centers, I will be giving the Brigance.
We will then do whole group writing. We will refer to "The Kissing Hand." We will discuss how we felt on our first day of school. We will do our first anchor chart. (See the pinterest inspired anchor chart below!)
Using the words from our anchor chart, I will pass out a piece of paper. Students will draw a picture of themselves and then complete the following "I feel ____."
We will have recess.
(USUALLY, Unit would go here, but I am assuming that we will end up not having time for this part of the day because of the rules and procedures that we covered in the beginning of the day.)
And then have snack & pack, rest & test (I'll finish testing what I didn't get finished earlier).
So that is what I will do for the first day of school! What do you plan on doing on your first day of school. Head on over to Teaching With Z to link up!
Sunday, August 5, 2012
The Magical Product Swap, Alphabet Beginning Sounds
Hey ya'll! I hope you are having a good week. Right now everything is going well. We are getting to spend some time up in my classroom decorating and getting ready for back to school. I still have tons to do, but it will get there! I will share pictures when I get everything up!
So I'm sure you all know Jessica Stanford, at Mrs. Stanford's Class! (If you don't, click here to go on over to her blog!) Well a while ago she had a wonderful idea to have bloggers swap products!
I was lucky enough to get to swap products with Sarah Shelton, from Kindergarten Korner. Sarah is amazing! She is super creative and very kind. You need to go check out her blog, as soon as you read about her awesome product, Alphabet Beginning Sounds!
This product is jam-packed with so many great ideas and activities! Not only does it have a lot of great items, but she gives you several ideas of activities that you can use the items with.
**On a side-note: As you can see above, not only is the items great, but the colors that she used... are amazing! I love them! They make me happy! :) **
So raise your hands if you teach letters and sounds? (*ahem*: If you are a kindergarten teacher, your hand should be raised!) Well then you need this packet.
(Sorry for the glare! I was using my cell phone!)
Here is one of my favorite parts! Picture cards! One of the activities I look forward to the most while teaching the alphabet, is Classifying (aka sorting) the pictures by their initial sounds! Not only is this a great activity to get those brains thinking... but it is one of the things they look for on TEAM (for us TN teachers).
Need some center work? Morning work? Independent work? Then these are great! And there are two options... so that you can DIFFERENTIATE it! Yay! I know my school would love this! Your lower-level students can simply identify the pictures that begin with the letter you are working with, while your students that need more of a challenge can brainstorm words that begin with the letter and then illustrate those words!
I am so excited to use this packet this year to help teach my kiddos their letters! It is a great resource, that I am sure the students are going to love! -I know this teacher will! You can go buy this packet here!
Thanks Sarah, for giving me the chance to review your Alphabet Beginning Sounds packet! Head on over to Kindergarten Korner! She will be reviewing my Ladybug Numbers Packet!
So I'm sure you all know Jessica Stanford, at Mrs. Stanford's Class! (If you don't, click here to go on over to her blog!) Well a while ago she had a wonderful idea to have bloggers swap products!
I was lucky enough to get to swap products with Sarah Shelton, from Kindergarten Korner. Sarah is amazing! She is super creative and very kind. You need to go check out her blog, as soon as you read about her awesome product, Alphabet Beginning Sounds!
This product is jam-packed with so many great ideas and activities! Not only does it have a lot of great items, but she gives you several ideas of activities that you can use the items with.
**On a side-note: As you can see above, not only is the items great, but the colors that she used... are amazing! I love them! They make me happy! :) **
So raise your hands if you teach letters and sounds? (*ahem*: If you are a kindergarten teacher, your hand should be raised!) Well then you need this packet.
These wonderful alphabet cards can be used in several ways: 1)Use them to decorate/label your word wall.
2) Flash cards while teaching the letters. 3)Print two copies, play memory match with your students!(Sorry for the glare! I was using my cell phone!)
Here is one of my favorite parts! Picture cards! One of the activities I look forward to the most while teaching the alphabet, is Classifying (aka sorting) the pictures by their initial sounds! Not only is this a great activity to get those brains thinking... but it is one of the things they look for on TEAM (for us TN teachers).
Need some center work? Morning work? Independent work? Then these are great! And there are two options... so that you can DIFFERENTIATE it! Yay! I know my school would love this! Your lower-level students can simply identify the pictures that begin with the letter you are working with, while your students that need more of a challenge can brainstorm words that begin with the letter and then illustrate those words!
I am so excited to use this packet this year to help teach my kiddos their letters! It is a great resource, that I am sure the students are going to love! -I know this teacher will! You can go buy this packet here!
Thanks Sarah, for giving me the chance to review your Alphabet Beginning Sounds packet! Head on over to Kindergarten Korner! She will be reviewing my Ladybug Numbers Packet!
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