It doesn't feel like it should already be February. But it is here. This month has been busy with fun activites and I'm so excited to start this next week. Our Valentine's Day party has been cut short due to some important people coming to our school on that day, but it doesn't mean we won't celebrate it. I've got crafts and lessons about love and friendship lined up for this week.
I decided to have some fun with Valentine's Day during math and literacy centers as well. We will be graphing conversational hearts, measuring hearts and recording how big they are, completing a fun color by number, and playing a fun Valentine's Roll the Dice game that I had one of my parents create for me.
In literacy centers we will be using my brand new Valentines Day Packet.
This packet includes 13 literacy activities that cover many of our Common Core Standards. They will be recording beginning sounds and ending sounds, identifying the number of syllables in words and rhyming words (or not rhyming words), unscrambling popcorn words to identify those sight words that we have been learning, writing the room with vowels, and much more.
I have placed this packet on sale for the weekend. It is now $4.00, which is 50% off the original price. The sale ends on Monday morning. So go on over and grab this packet and let me know what you think!
Saturday, February 9, 2013
Monday, February 4, 2013
A-Z of Me
It has been forever since I have had the time to be on blogger. Before this afternoon, I hadn't read a blog post in so long that I feel so lost. But while reading some today, I found a linky that I just had to join! Maybe it will be the first of many new blog posts... or maybe I will be absent again. I'm not sure. There is no telling. Maybe one day I will figure out what to talk about again. Maybe?
I'm linking up with The Polished Teacher. Head on over to her blog to link up!

So without further adieu, here is the A-Z of ME! (Reminds me of the book I read every year during our "All About Me" unit ABC I like Me!)
A: App
My favorite app right now is MyFitnessPal. I have been using it everyday for the past 2 weeks. Counting my calories has almost become an obsession... and I am truly loving keeping up with it, as well as putting my exercise in. I feel like it is helping me be accountable for what I put into my body and I'm feeling healthier. Hoping I can shed like 60-100 pounds before the day that I say "I do" (which we are thinking will be the Fall of 2014).
B: Book Character
As of right this second, my favorite book character from a kids book is Curious George. I love how he is always getting into trouble. He's hilarious!!
C: Clip Art
Because I am BROKE! My favorite clip art is MyCuteGraphics! She is very talented and offers her stuff for free! She has allowed me to create so many wonderful packets and I am so very thankful for her hard work and generosity!
D: Dollar Spot Find
This really just depends on what I am looking for and what they have. My latest favorite find though was these cute crayon erasers! I just loved them! But I've also found books, games, a stocking gift for the boyfriend (a laser gun keychain), pencils and soo many other awesome things!
E: Essential to Start the Day
A nice hot shower! This is one of the only things that can truly wake me up and make me not feel groggy.
F: Font
I have so many favorites. And honestly, my favorite just depends on what I am working on and the look that I am going for. KevinandAmanda fonts are awesome.
G: Game
My favorite game of all time is Aggrivation! This is a game that I grew up playing with my family. I love board games! One of my favorite things to do as an adult is get together with friends for dinner and a board game. Sadly I just found out that our friends that we do this with just got orders to move. If they do not get unapproved, they will be moving to Ft. Hood, Texas, which makes this girl VERY VERY sad!
H: Holiday
Christmas. Okay, this may sound selfish.... it may sound childish.... but I LOVE LOVE LOVE getting presents! However, I also LOVE buying presents for others! I love the family aspect of it. I love the decorations and the lights. I love picking out the tree and decorating it. I love the eggnog and other yummy food. I just love the entire holiday!
I: Ice Cream
Again, this just depends on what my mood is. Yesterday was my "cheat day," so we got an apple pie for desert. To go with it we got plain vanilla ice cream. However, other times I want double chocolate with chunks. I also like the strawberry with chunks. So, it really just depends on my mood.
J: Jewelry Piece
Several years ago for Christmas, the boyfriend got me this gorgeous ring with a blue stone. I wear it everyday and the few times I have taken it off I end up sick to my stomach with worry that something has happened to it. When we got robbed a few years ago, I had taken it off the night before to dye my hair. When I couldn't find it at the apartment, I was so upset. My cousin found it like two weeks later when she came to stay with me and I jumped up and down like a little girl and cried for joy!
K: Kid-ism
Not really sure what this means! Sorry!
L: Location to Travel
Honestly, I just want a vacation. Rather it is to Myrtle Beach to see the boyfriend's mom... or to some other destination. I don't care. Right now I just need to be out of TN. HOWEVER, the boyfriend and I have been talking about "honeymoon locations" and the places I keep thinking of are: Hawaii, Bahamas, New York, or Vegas. In fact, I really wish I had the money to go to the I Teach K conference in Vegas this year.
M: Management Tip
Be firm! Be fair! I try really hard in my classroom to be fair. I know that sometimes I am not... and most of that has to do with special circumstances... but all of my kids get the same warnings, same consequences, same rewards. Also, don't fight every battle. There are somethings, that you just gotta let go. You know?
N: Nail Polish
I am really bad at keeping my nails polished. Right now I am using this really cute aqua color I got from Target for Christmas. It is completely out of my normal range, but I kinda love it! Usually I'm a pink and red kinda girl. Although if I were to do my finger nails it would be red or french manicures.
O: Open House Idea
Our open house is very simple. We have the rooms open for the kids/parents to see. But we don't do much else. Something I do think I will do next year is to have the goody bag ready for them to take home that day. Just a little something to get them excited to come back.
P: Pinterest
I love pinterest! I love finding ideas and thinking how I could implement them into my own home or lesson plans. I will say that I often do not actually get to do them because of the lack of time, skill, or money. But finding the ideas of things that maybe I can one day do is amazing!
Q: Quote
"Where Am I? Who Am I? How did I come to be here? What is this thing caled the world? How did I come into the world? And if I am to compelled to take part in it, where is the director? I want to see him?" --Soren Kierkegaard
R: Read-Aloud
There are so many that it is hard to narrow it down. But these are the ones that come to mind first. The Mitten and Snowflake Bentley are two of my favorite winter read-alouds. Any of Pete the Cat stories are FUN for both me and the kids. This week I'm reading My Lucky Day which has been one of my favorite basal stories to read since I first started teaching.
S: School Supply
Without a doubt, my favorite school supply are Scentos Smelly Markers. I get giddy anytime I get a new one. Right now I am using the Valentine ones. Not only do they smell great but they are inexpensive! Which this teacher loves!
T: TPT/TN Item
I have several items that I love! But currently my favorite item I have in my store is my Valentine's Day Literacy Packet "Won't You Be My Valentine?"
It is jampacked with 13 literacy activities covering several CCSS standards. Click here to go check it out.
U: Unofficial Hobby
Crocheting. I don't do this often enough, but I love working with my hands to create something one of a kind. Currently I am working on a blanket for a parent who is due in March. I need to hurry up and get it done though so that I can give it to her.
V: Video Brain Break
I am not a big youtube person. However, there are lots of times when the boyfriend calls me into the office to share a funny video with me. I do love the autotuned videos however!
W: Ways to Spend the Day Off
Now that the boyfriends schedule has changed, I really love spending my days off with him. I don't care what we do, but I enjoy hanging out and being with him. Shopping for the house, checking out new fishing spots, sitting at home watching TV, or hanging with friends.
X: X-tra Special Blogs I <3
There are bloggers that have become special to me... bloggers that I am glad that I have met/know. But as to not hurt any feelings... I will not say names.
Y: Yummy Desert
I don't think I have a favorite. I like cheesecake, chocolate pie, apple pie, ice cream, milk shakes. However, I am trying to be good right now. So I will have to pass on most desert that comes my way for the next little bit.
Z: Zoo Animals
My favorite zoo animals would have to either be monkeys or elephants. Monkeys are funny. Elephants are beautiful creatures. They are really smart and I love that they are capable of painting. How cool is that?
Okay... so is me A-Z!
I'm linking up with The Polished Teacher. Head on over to her blog to link up!

So without further adieu, here is the A-Z of ME! (Reminds me of the book I read every year during our "All About Me" unit ABC I like Me!)
A: App
My favorite app right now is MyFitnessPal. I have been using it everyday for the past 2 weeks. Counting my calories has almost become an obsession... and I am truly loving keeping up with it, as well as putting my exercise in. I feel like it is helping me be accountable for what I put into my body and I'm feeling healthier. Hoping I can shed like 60-100 pounds before the day that I say "I do" (which we are thinking will be the Fall of 2014).
B: Book Character
As of right this second, my favorite book character from a kids book is Curious George. I love how he is always getting into trouble. He's hilarious!!
C: Clip Art
Because I am BROKE! My favorite clip art is MyCuteGraphics! She is very talented and offers her stuff for free! She has allowed me to create so many wonderful packets and I am so very thankful for her hard work and generosity!
D: Dollar Spot Find
This really just depends on what I am looking for and what they have. My latest favorite find though was these cute crayon erasers! I just loved them! But I've also found books, games, a stocking gift for the boyfriend (a laser gun keychain), pencils and soo many other awesome things!
E: Essential to Start the Day
A nice hot shower! This is one of the only things that can truly wake me up and make me not feel groggy.
F: Font
I have so many favorites. And honestly, my favorite just depends on what I am working on and the look that I am going for. KevinandAmanda fonts are awesome.
G: Game
My favorite game of all time is Aggrivation! This is a game that I grew up playing with my family. I love board games! One of my favorite things to do as an adult is get together with friends for dinner and a board game. Sadly I just found out that our friends that we do this with just got orders to move. If they do not get unapproved, they will be moving to Ft. Hood, Texas, which makes this girl VERY VERY sad!
H: Holiday
Christmas. Okay, this may sound selfish.... it may sound childish.... but I LOVE LOVE LOVE getting presents! However, I also LOVE buying presents for others! I love the family aspect of it. I love the decorations and the lights. I love picking out the tree and decorating it. I love the eggnog and other yummy food. I just love the entire holiday!
I: Ice Cream
Again, this just depends on what my mood is. Yesterday was my "cheat day," so we got an apple pie for desert. To go with it we got plain vanilla ice cream. However, other times I want double chocolate with chunks. I also like the strawberry with chunks. So, it really just depends on my mood.
J: Jewelry Piece
Several years ago for Christmas, the boyfriend got me this gorgeous ring with a blue stone. I wear it everyday and the few times I have taken it off I end up sick to my stomach with worry that something has happened to it. When we got robbed a few years ago, I had taken it off the night before to dye my hair. When I couldn't find it at the apartment, I was so upset. My cousin found it like two weeks later when she came to stay with me and I jumped up and down like a little girl and cried for joy!
K: Kid-ism
Not really sure what this means! Sorry!
L: Location to Travel
Honestly, I just want a vacation. Rather it is to Myrtle Beach to see the boyfriend's mom... or to some other destination. I don't care. Right now I just need to be out of TN. HOWEVER, the boyfriend and I have been talking about "honeymoon locations" and the places I keep thinking of are: Hawaii, Bahamas, New York, or Vegas. In fact, I really wish I had the money to go to the I Teach K conference in Vegas this year.
M: Management Tip
Be firm! Be fair! I try really hard in my classroom to be fair. I know that sometimes I am not... and most of that has to do with special circumstances... but all of my kids get the same warnings, same consequences, same rewards. Also, don't fight every battle. There are somethings, that you just gotta let go. You know?
N: Nail Polish
I am really bad at keeping my nails polished. Right now I am using this really cute aqua color I got from Target for Christmas. It is completely out of my normal range, but I kinda love it! Usually I'm a pink and red kinda girl. Although if I were to do my finger nails it would be red or french manicures.
O: Open House Idea
Our open house is very simple. We have the rooms open for the kids/parents to see. But we don't do much else. Something I do think I will do next year is to have the goody bag ready for them to take home that day. Just a little something to get them excited to come back.
P: Pinterest
I love pinterest! I love finding ideas and thinking how I could implement them into my own home or lesson plans. I will say that I often do not actually get to do them because of the lack of time, skill, or money. But finding the ideas of things that maybe I can one day do is amazing!
Q: Quote
"Where Am I? Who Am I? How did I come to be here? What is this thing caled the world? How did I come into the world? And if I am to compelled to take part in it, where is the director? I want to see him?" --Soren Kierkegaard
R: Read-Aloud
There are so many that it is hard to narrow it down. But these are the ones that come to mind first. The Mitten and Snowflake Bentley are two of my favorite winter read-alouds. Any of Pete the Cat stories are FUN for both me and the kids. This week I'm reading My Lucky Day which has been one of my favorite basal stories to read since I first started teaching.
S: School Supply
Without a doubt, my favorite school supply are Scentos Smelly Markers. I get giddy anytime I get a new one. Right now I am using the Valentine ones. Not only do they smell great but they are inexpensive! Which this teacher loves!
T: TPT/TN Item
I have several items that I love! But currently my favorite item I have in my store is my Valentine's Day Literacy Packet "Won't You Be My Valentine?"
It is jampacked with 13 literacy activities covering several CCSS standards. Click here to go check it out.
U: Unofficial Hobby
Crocheting. I don't do this often enough, but I love working with my hands to create something one of a kind. Currently I am working on a blanket for a parent who is due in March. I need to hurry up and get it done though so that I can give it to her.
V: Video Brain Break
I am not a big youtube person. However, there are lots of times when the boyfriend calls me into the office to share a funny video with me. I do love the autotuned videos however!
W: Ways to Spend the Day Off
Now that the boyfriends schedule has changed, I really love spending my days off with him. I don't care what we do, but I enjoy hanging out and being with him. Shopping for the house, checking out new fishing spots, sitting at home watching TV, or hanging with friends.
X: X-tra Special Blogs I <3
There are bloggers that have become special to me... bloggers that I am glad that I have met/know. But as to not hurt any feelings... I will not say names.
Y: Yummy Desert
I don't think I have a favorite. I like cheesecake, chocolate pie, apple pie, ice cream, milk shakes. However, I am trying to be good right now. So I will have to pass on most desert that comes my way for the next little bit.
Z: Zoo Animals
My favorite zoo animals would have to either be monkeys or elephants. Monkeys are funny. Elephants are beautiful creatures. They are really smart and I love that they are capable of painting. How cool is that?
Okay... so is me A-Z!
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