Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Alphabet Letter Exchange

So I was reading blogs the other day when I saw that First Grade Found Me is doing an awesome Alphabet Letter Exchange. After reading about it, I am really excited to join the exchange! I've never done it before, so I hope it goes well.

I was reading one of my friend's blog and she was explaining how she not only used it as an exciting way to do introduce letters but also used it in math (graphing) and social studies (marking the places they received the letters from on a map). Go read Laura's blog of at Kinder Kraziness to see how she plans on using these letters.

I'm thinking that I'll either use them on a bulletin board or to decorate our Chick Chicka Boom Boom tree that I made for the fiance's 6 year old cousin's birthday party. Aloha!
It isn't HUGE by any means. But I'm thinking it's gonna go into the library. Whatcha think?

So go on over to First Grade Found Me's blog to learn more about this awesome blog exchange!

Monday, July 8, 2013

Donors Choose Opportunity!

Hey ya'll! I hope your having a fantastic summer! I haven't done much. I've gone to a few inservices, been fishing a lot, and been working on wedding planning stuff. Oh the joys (and stresses) that come with planning a wedding. However, I have gotten the date officially set. October 11th, 3014. And I have the venue booked.... which I'm in LOVE with! It is on the river that I said the first "yes" to so many years ago (we've been dating 5 years this September).  The only hinderance of the venue is that it only can hold 100 people and with family and a few friends I'm already over 100. So we'll see how that works out.

Anyways! So I have a VERY important reason for posting today.

I wanted to share an opportunity with you. It's a chance for you get to get 2 freebies from my TPT store by donating to my very first project! Everyone knows that with common core hands on math is VERY important. I have a good amount of counters, but lets be honest. You can always have more. So here's what I'm asking you to do: 

I'm asking for donations of $5 to help my kids. For the next week, any donation you make to my project will be doubled! If you know anyone who is passionate about education, please pass this along. Your donation will brighten my students' school year, and you'll get photos and thank yous from our class. To have your donation matched dollar for dollar, enter the match code INSPIRE on the payment screen. This awesome match offer lasts through July 13, 2013. (

Once you have donated please send me an e-mail at with the amount that you donated and the two TPT items that you would like from my store and I will send them to you for FREE! Everyone loves free right?

Oh, and for every $5 you donate, you get 2 free products. So donate $10 dollars and get that matched using the code INSPIRE (making it $20) and you will get 4 free TPT items from my store.

I WILL be back tomorrow to share some awesome information from my inservice today! I look forward to seeing you then!